The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:24 that by his wounds you have been healed. We also read from Isaiah 53:5 that he was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquities, upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed. These passages point to the nexus between healing and wound in that there is no healing without wound. This principle transcends the physical body. It also applies to our land and nation, Revelations 22:2.  

Healing and wounds

Healing is a cure for a wound or a restoration to normalcy from a state of imperfection. Wounds could be personally or externally afflicted. It could also be physical or spiritual and physical. The wounds Jesus healed included sickness, demonic affliction, broken hearts, blindness, deafness, lameness, dumbness, death, hunger, poverty, sin, and those without hope. Sin is the bedrock of most wounds. It attracts curses and emptiness of God’s presence. It exposes us to the vagaries of hostile forces of darkness. 

Purpose of Jesus’ healing

There are a plethora of reasons why Jesus healed. Underpinning all was love exhibited through selfless sacrifice. We were wounded by sin so Jesus purposed to restore us to our original state of perfection and true identity with God. It was for true compassion in our dejected or sordid state. He wanted to demonstrate the work of faith, Matthew 15:28. On other occasions, he showed his divinity as in the case of Lazarus. It was to show that he was not limited by space or time.    

Jesus healed to demonstrate his holistic ministry, Acts 9:34; Matthew 10:1; 10:8. He demonstrated the nexus between faith and healing, Matthew 8:13. Jesus showed that all creation worked up to his command and authority, Matthew 12:22. It was to confirm his relationship with God. It was to prove that God worked every day including the Sabbath, Mark 3:10, Luke 14:13-14

Jesus in refusing the request to heal himself, amply confirmed that he had no wounds hence he needed no healing, Luke 4:23. He healed to show the state of perfection in the Kingdom of God, Luke 10:9. He also linked praising God to healing, Luke 17:15 and appreciating God for healing in the case of the ten lepers, Luke 17:17. He healed to show the results of sin, John 5:14. It was to enable those healed to testify of God’s goodness. Jesus showed us the role of confession in healing, James 5:16.  He is ready to intervene in your health if you will allow him to do so. Call him now no matter your circumstances.


Jesus I accept that by your stripes we are healed from our wounds. Heal my faith to receive my healing as a wounded soul that I may forever walk with thee. Amen!!


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