Our mornings with God give us the opportunity to acknowledge God’s intervention in our lives and to invite his presence with us always during the day. The best quality time to acknowledge God is the first thing in the morning when we are refreshed and are sound mentally to take his instructions. Aside from Jesus Christ, other stalwarts of faith always turned to God in the mornings in prayer.

The words of Daniel

Daniel 9: 3 says then I turned to the Lord God, to seek an answer by prayer and supplication with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. Fasting starts in the morning hence Daniel turned to God in the morning. God invited Moses in the morning as recorded in Exodus 34: 2, be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai and present yourself there to me, on the top of the mountain.

The words of Job

Job 7: 17-18 say, what are human beings, that you make so much of them, that you set your mind on them, visit them every morning, test them every moment?  Job says God’s time of visitation is every morning and for the purposes of testing our faithfulness to him in the day. It is prudent to seek the pleasure of the day’s keeper before he opens the floodgate for the day’s battle. God’s visiting times have not changed. It only requires discipline and commitment and readiness to meet the times.        

The words of David

David said in Psalms 5: 3, O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice, in the morning I plead my case to you, and watch. David says it is appropriate to meet with God in the morning so he would listen to our plea. He also knew that the joy of the LORD comes in the morning when the LORD answers our plea, Psalms 30: 5. David said further in Psalms 88: 13, but I, O LORD, cry out to you; in the morning my prayer comes before you. David sets out his reason for meeting God in the morning.

Psalms 143: 8-12 said, Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul… Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path. For your name’s sake, O LORD, preserve my life. In your righteousness brings me out of trouble. In your steadfast love cut off my enemies, and destroy all my adversaries, for I am your servant. David asked to know God’s pleasure, and for God’s strength and protection in the morning. What do we say to God in the morning? 

The words of Isaiah

Isaiah 33: 2 says O LORD, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble. Isaiah needed revival every morning from God, a waiting spirit on God rather than to rush, and God’s grace. Only God’s arm can save our day and we must invite him to start the day with us. What we can do is to rely on him in the morning. What we cannot do is to be in control of the day. 

The words of Jeremiah

Jeremiah said in Lamentations 3: 22-23, the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is his faithfulness. Jeremiah says God gives us his steadfast love and mercies every morning. What do we give to God in return every morning? Jeremiah says God is faithful every morning. Are we faithful to God for his appointments?    

What does God want from us?

God wants us to show him steadfast love in return every morning. He wants us to confess so he would show us mercy in return every morning. He wants us to be faithful from the morning till the day ends. Jeremiah acknowledged in the morning what God has done for him and his people. 

It must not be like what Hosea has described in Hosea 6: 4, your love for God is like the morning cloud, like the dew that goes away early. We must change for the better. If we want a bright day, we must start the day with Christ Jesus.   


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, we have wrongfully allowed our convenience to dictate how we must start our day. By your example and the words of your stalwarts of faith, our devotions to you in the early mornings and in the quiet of the day would be helpful to us. Revive us to seek your face first in the morning for the day is yours. Help us to renew our vows before you daily when we come before you in the mornings each day. Let your ordinances never escape us in the day so we may live for you. we pray in your holy name, Amen!!


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