This question appears to be a replica of what the Lord Jesus asked his disciples in Luke 9:16 and Matthew 16:13 -15“who do people say that I am” and “what do you say that I am?” This calls for an individual and personal response and may not be as simple as it appears. The answer comes from two distinct perspectives, public knowledge; and personal knowledge.

Public and personal knowledge

The first question of Jesus Christ refers to public knowledge of him. Public knowledge is usually made up of hearsay, surmise, tainted facts, truths or half-truths, or academic, historical, socio-cultural, religious or psychological account. The second question, “who do you say that I am” deals with personal knowledge of him based on personal relationship, intimate encounter, personal dealings, or personal witness account which can be authenticated and defended. It involves personal attestation to his persona or tested attributes. It is a defensible testimony of truth consistent with a spiritual encounter.

Whilst a positive public knowledge may bring a person to the threshold of having an encounter with Christ, a negative knowledge of him may discourage a worthy relationship or association with Christ. However, inquisitive minds may irrespective of a positive or negative attribute proceed to investigate, interrogate or examine the facts personally in order to reach an honest and fair conclusion.


Unfortunately, most of us who call ourselves “Christians” today have confined our scope of knowledge about Jesus Christ to only public knowledge. We imbibe and thrive on hearsay without personal examination and yet claim to have personal knowledge of him in deceit of ourselves.

In Acts 17:11 the Jews in Berea were described as more noble than the people in Thessalonica because upon receiving the word of God with eagerness, they examined the scriptures daily to see if these things were so. This is how we can have personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 11:13 John the Baptist in his quest to know Jesus Christ sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you he who is to come or shall we look for another?” In Acts 28:18 in order to know who Paul was so he could be put to death, he was examined but found no reason for his death penalty. Do not castigate Jesus Christ without having personal knowledge of him?

True knowledge

Any association with Jesus Christ that is predicated on public knowledge is only a purported one. It can produce only an unstable or fleeting relationship. It lacks good foundation. It is neither attractive nor approved of God as sufficient. It is like a house built upon the sand; it has no solid foundation and cannot withstand the storms or floods but collapse. Jesus illustrates this in Matthew 7: 26-27.

Public knowledge builds no personal relationship with Jesus Christ but personal knowledge does based on a spiritual encounter. Having mere knowledge of him does not automatically make you his friend. If your knowledge of Jesus is not original, you cannot speak to it from point of knowledge. Let us take caution he does not say to us on the last day as recorded in Matthew 7:23“…. I never knew you; depart from me, ye evildoer”.  

Personal knowledge of Jesus Christ builds character and resilience in submission in times of adversity. This is exemplified in Apostle Paul’s character following his personal encounter with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus to persecute the Church when he was called Saul as recorded in Acts 9:1-9. Upon coming to personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, the world rejects us and we reject the world because we cannot serve two masters. Jesus Christ however accepts us wholeheartedly even prior to our rejection.

Honest introspection

Where do you stand with Jesus Christ regarding your knowledge of him? Is your response from public knowledge or personal knowledge? Do you know him as you ought to or allege? In our convoluted and conflicted world, witnessing about Jesus Christ from point of personal knowledge is often characterized or tainted as abnormal in the eyes of the public. The Apostle Paul was labeled as such. In Acts 26:25 the Apostle Paul said in response to such character assignation, “I’m not mad, most excellent Festus, but I am speaking the sober truth.” Can you or are you ready to testify to the sober truth as Paul did?

Public knowledge may be helpful but certainly inadequate for a successful Christian life. May you be guided by the words of Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:23, “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not”. If you feel insufficient, kindly join me to follow these steps to have personal knowledge of Jesus Christ:

  • Simply acknowledge you are a sinner in thought, word and deed
  • Ask Jesus Christ for pardon and cleansing through his immaculate blood
  • Ask him to restore your identity and status as his child
  • Make a promise to walk and have a renewed relationship with him
  • Ask him to give you his grace to walk aright in righteousness and holiness
  • Submit and invite him into your heart as your Lord and Saviour
  • Ask him to open your mind, heart and vision to behold his nature

Our prayer:

May the grace and mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ grant you wisdom, humility and a penitent heart to come to personal knowledge of him through a personal relationship. May he lead you towards his light and truth in his Holy name and through his cleansing blood. Amen!!!


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